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Privacy Policy

Crossroads Derbyshire wants everyone who supports us, or seeks our support, to feel safe, comfortable and confident about any information they share with us.


Crossroads Derbyshire take your rights to privacy seriously; it therefore ensures any personal data of yours that it holds is stored securely and processed lawfully. As such, information you provide to us remains confidential. However, if you disclose anything which indicates a criminal offence has been / is likely to be committed, or a child or vulnerable adult has been / is likely to be harmed, we have a legal obligation to share this information with relevant public authorities.


These obligations are described in:

  • Data Protection Act 1998, Schedule 2, Paragraph 4 and Schedule 3, Paragraph 3

  • Crime and Disorder Act 1998, Provision 115

The decision to share such information will be made with the approval of the Services Manager; it will also be discussed with you where it is deemed safe to do so.


Why do you need to store information about me?

Keeping records of the difficulties you have disclosed to us, and of the support you require, is vital for us to assess and monitor your case, to ensure we are all doing all we can to reduce your risk of abuse and promote your physical and emotional wellbeing.


We must provide certain statistical data to the agencies that fund and commission our services, to demonstrate that those services are effective and accessible to all. Data provided in this way is entirely anonymous, meaning it could never be used to identify you personally by any party external to Crossroads Derbyshire.


What are my rights under data protection regulations?

As an individual about whom we process data (a ‘data subject’), you have the following rights:

  1. The right to be informed

  2. The right of access

  3. The right to rectification

  4. The right to erasure

  5. The right to restrict processing

  6. The right to data portability

  7. The right to object

  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.


For more information about these rights, visit or call the Information Commissioner’s Office helpline on 0303 123 1113 (calls charged at local rate).


If you wish to exercise any of these rights in relation to the data Crossroads Derbyshire holds about you, such as to request a copy of the information we hold about you, or request it is erased, we recommend you speak to your case worker. Alternatively, you may contact the Services Manager using the details provided at the bottom of this notice.


Third parties

Crossroads Derbyshire contracts third parties to support it in carrying out its activities securely and effectively; and in doing so, these third parties have access to service user data. However, these third parties have no legitimate interests in processing service user data, and have signed agreements with Crossroads Derbyshire which oblige them to uphold service user confidentiality and data security.


These third parties are as follows:

IT Works (Scotland) Ltd

2 George Square

Castle Brae


KY11 8QF

(IT Works operates our On Track database which is used for safe and secure storage of your information if you have used our service) 

(Mailchimp is an email distribution service which we use to contact supporters, donors and agency partners. We do not use it for service users. Mailchimp fully complies with GDPR and your data will not be stored outside the EU. Every email has an unsubscribe option at the bottom and we will only contact you if you have indicated that you would like to hear from us.)


Retention and disposal

Crossroads Derbyshire retains information about you after your programme of support has ended for monitoring reasons (see ‘Why do you need to store information about me?’) and also to reassess your needs should you ever return to us for further support. Once you have been discharged from our services for a period of five whole years, we no longer deem it necessary to retain your personal data and it is therefore destroyed. The one exception to this is data regarding the safeguarding of a child service user – we have a legal duty to retain this data until the child in question reaches the age of 21 years.



No automated profiling of service users or automated decision making takes place at Crossroads Derbyshire.


Data transfers outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)

All data held by Crossroads Derbyshire is stored in the UK and is not transferred outside of the EEA for any purpose.


Complaints and concerns

We recommend you raise any concerns you have about how Crossroads Derbyshire is handling your data with the Chief Executive. If, having discussed this with the Chief Executive, you are still not satisfied, you should complain in writing to the Information Commissioner at the following address:


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Be advised that this is only if your complaint relates specifically to data protection. Please speak to your case worker if your complaint relates to anything else, as Crossroads Derbyshire has an internal complaints procedure.


Contact details

For further information about any matters related to data protection at Crossroads Derbyshire, please contact the Chief Executive or the Business Management Lead by the following means:


Chief Executive/Business Management Lead

Crossroads Derbyshire

PO Box 22


SK13 8AE

If you think you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, help is available.


You can reach the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline by phone on 08000 198 668 or by text on 07534 617 252. They can provide discreet emotional and practical support.

You can also contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

If you are in immediate danger try to get to a safe part of the house or a safe place outside and call the police on 999.


Crossroads Derbyshire

Crossroads Derbyshire is dedicated to helping people break free from domestic abuse and build a safer future for themselves and their families. We offer a range of confidential support and advisory services to adults, young people and children.


Phone: 01457 856675

Registered Charity: 1134679

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